Tunisian Upraising and the Gospel

There is much reason to pay close attention to the events unfolding in Tunisia. Tunisia is very similar to Lebanon in many ways.

You could even say that they are related. The Phonecians settled Tunisa from Lebanon. They both were previously occupied by the French and both were eventually invaded by Islam.

The big difference has been that in Tunisia there has not been freedom. Here in Lebanon, there is freedom of speech and freedom of religion. We are able to preach the Gospel as we please, with possibilities of problems not from the government but from people.

I remember a few years ago me and a couple brothers traveled to Tunisia and did evangelism for about a week. We went going from town to town and slept outside to avoid problems with the police.

We found that the people were generally receptive but terrified of the government seeing them talk to us.

We found that people who wanted to talk to us would have us meet them in medians of highways so that no one could hear us speak.

We even found people talking of uprising back then.

The Church needs to be in prayer that the new government will provide freedom to the country. That would allow for more evangelism to be done in the country.

For me when visiting Tunis, it was like looking at a sick Twighlight zone version of Beirut. There is so much at stake, we must pray for the Lord to prepare the way for the Gospel.

On the flipside, the country could sway from being a country that was a under a secular repressive government to being taken over by an Islamic repressive government.

Tunisia and Lebanon, two countries with collapsedĀ  governments with so much at stake.

Please pray.