Nice (& bad) things about the Arab culture

One of the first things people often ask me about living here is how is the culture, or how are the people? To put it simply, I love the culture here.

Free v.s Closed Countries

Generally you will find that there are a lot of people saying that they are willing to go into restricted countries. What are the advantages of being in a closed country v.s a free one?

People groups

There has been much talk over the years over “unreached people groups”, however little action taken. There are many people groups that make up the Middle East: Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, Turkmen, Bedouins, Roma, the list goes on… You can find many books by different “experts” about reaching entire people groups.

Noorpod 18

Jimmy in America (talking about Lebanon experience) Granny in Bethlehem Lawi’s song 2008 sometime Click to listen to NoorPod 18