How Saudi Arabia became 100% Muslim

If you talk to Muslims today, often they might say that Islam is a religion of peace. Maybe that, Saudi Arabia itself is proof that Islam will dominate the world through peace and choice. I would like to quote a few passages, without commentary (or feel free to commentate yourself bellow) from the Hadith.

These verses from the hadith help us understand verses from the Quran like 9:29

“Kill those who believe not in God nor in the Last day, nor whom have forbidden what Allah and His Messenger nor accept the religion of truth; among them the people of the book until they pay the tax and feel themselves subdued. ” Other verses. 8.12 8.65 9.73 9.29

Sahih Muslim

Umar bin Al Khattab said ” I heard the Messenger of Allah say “I will expe the Jews and Christians from teh Arabian Peninsula so that only Muslims remain in it.”

Abu Huariah said While we were in the mosque the Messenger of God said “Lets go to the Jews… You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Messenger. And I want to expel you from this land, so whoever among you owns some property can sell it otherwise you should know that teh earh belongs to Allah and His messenger. ” Bukhari 6944

Abdullah bin Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said “I have been ordered (By God) to fight against the people till they testify that There is no God but God and that Muahmmad is the messenger of God and give tax and preform prayers (Muslim ones).

I can provide more resources as they are so conveniently listed in the Muslim hadiths next to each other. I simply thought this would be educational for others that are out on the field preaching to Muslims.