
Evangelism in Lebanon is great. There is freedom of religion so you can preach the Gospel boldly without wondering if you are going to be locked up.

A couple of years ago I heard the following definition… “Freedom of speech is not being able to say what you want, but being able to say it and not get arrested / killed afterwords.”

As many of you know, who follow this ministry we have been meeting a lot of Iranians lately. There are a lot of them that travel to Lebanon on vacation. Although, it is illegal to distribute Bibles on the streets of Iran we are able to speak to Iranians quite directly here in Lebanon.

We are in need of folks that can speak both Arabic and Farsi to come on board and volunteer with AFC.

Although, some Iranians speak Arabic most do not. There are some Arabic minorities that live in southern Iran, though for the most part we are having to distribute large amounts of Farsi material.

We need to be praying for these Iranians that the Lord will open their eyes to the lies of Islam and that they will be born again.