I am a Christian

I spend a lot of time in refugee camps. While in camps I tend to do limited medical help, first aide mostly and then I share Bible stories with whoever listens.

In one of the camps that we go to, there are three boys that typically listen to the Bible Stories. When one of the guys suggested we visit another camp that was near by, I wanted to bring these three boys with me.


One of the boys, has been very helpful with medical supplies. I simply tell him what I need, and he is able to find it out of my large medical bag.

When we got to the other camp, there was a large crowd of children that were the same age as the three boys that came with me there.

I tried sharing a Bible story with the crowd, but could not get their attention.

The boys in the camp, turned to face the three boys that came with me.


“Are you Muslim or Christian?” They asked.

One of the boys stopped and thought for a moment and said, “I am a Christian.”

They got teased, but nonetheless I was glad to see him make a decision to not be ashamed of Christ. It was a decision. He had been raised as a Muslim. His whole life he had answered that he had been a Muslim but now, “I am a Christian.”