Defending the Cross against the Quran

Often times when speaking to Muslims, one of the first objections you will hear to the Gospel is their belief that Christ did not die on the Cross but rather was taken up to heaven and another was crucified. The following is a video to show you how to defend the crucifixion of Christ.

Egypt protests (update)

The following is a report from a STRATFOR source in Hamas. Hamas, which formed in Gaza as an outgrowth of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB), has an interest in exaggerating its role and coordination with the MB in this crisis. The following information has not been confirmed. Nonetheless, there is a great deal of concern […]

Learn to write in Arabic

I have been wondering for a while now, what else could I make to help with learning the letters. First, I put together EZ Arabic, then Arabic Missile commando, and now this. I do not have a name picked out just yet, but we could call it EZ Arabic Writing. Here is a screenshot Learning […]

Egypt protests

I have been writing about the current events and protests in the Middle East and their correlation to the spread of the Gospel. When hearing about protests breaking out in these different countries you have to realise that each one is completely different.

Chaos in Lebanon and the Gospel

Fights continued today as the Sunni’s marked their “day of rage”. Most of people were on edge listening carefully to any tip on current news that they could get. Although things remained peaceful in Tyre, the majority of Lebanon has remained at a standstill. There are reports, of rioting throughout the country as the Iranian […]

Sex trafficking / child prostitution in Lebanon

Today was a difficult day. I have thought for a while now that some of the kids might be involved in prostitution. 4 months ago, I saw a man from Saudi proposition some kids that I was talking to. After that, I started to think that there must be other kids that would be willing […]

Cancelations in the Quran

For many folks (all folks really) reading the Quran can be quite a challenge. You will find some things that might seem peaceful and other things that would be violent. To understand which one is true for now, you must know which one came later.

Has Islam been hijacked by radicals

How Shahrokh came to Christ

Tunisian Upraising and the Gospel

There is much reason to pay close attention to the events unfolding in Tunisia. Tunisia is very similar to Lebanon in many ways. You could even say that they are related. The Phonecians settled Tunisa from Lebanon. They both were previously occupied by the French and both were eventually invaded by Islam.